Saturday, June 30, 2012

Visit from John and Courtenay

Lynn showing Courtenay our water fountain

Courtenay, Lynn and Janae

Rory and Jessica

Sadie,Charlotte are wrestling on the lawn and John is shadowing Everett

John  and Everett

Lynn has not fainted!  He is showing John his latest exercises!

Three Lance guys!

Father's Day 2012

We had a barbecue at Jon and Jan's on Father's Day.

Jon, Janae and Sadie waiting to be served

Miss Charlotte just turned two!

Elder James and Elder Brunt are such good elders.  They will soon be transferred!

A nostalgic trip

Sally came to visit the second week of June, 2012.  We went on a nostalgic trip to the Monterey Bay Area. We lived in on the second floor of this house  when we first arrived in Pacific Grove. Lynn was stationed at Fort Ord! 1954

We were living in this house on Willow Avenue in Pacific Grove when Scott was born - June 13, 1955.

Carol and family lived in this house on Lobos Avenue in Pacific Grove.

On our way to Big Sur

Light house point off the coast at Big Sur

Sally was the driver while driving Mr. and Mrs. Daisy!! 

A Bait and Tackle Shop in Seaside, California owned by Gianfranco  Guarrero,  Renae Hare's boyfriend.

Meet Gianfranco

Here's Renae!!!

Gia, Renae and Sally

Gian, Renae and Lynn
We stopped by the shop on our way home from a day in Monterey!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Jean and Scott celebrate their birthdays. (80 and 57)

On June 13th  Jonathan, Shawn, Sally and Lynn gathered together at Famous Dave's restaurant to help Jean and Scott celebrate their joint birthdays . (Jan was at play practice or she would have been there.)  We had some wonderful barbecue and fun just being together.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

I am 80!!!

 I will be 80 on June 13th, 2012!

Calendars don"t lie, what can I say????

80th birthday luncheon

A week for my 80th birthday which is on June 13th, 2012, I was honored with a luncheon at the home of Cheryl Baxter. Cheryl, Betty Kelsey, and Anne Kelsch hosted the party for 14 ladies. Each person brought a salad to go with the beverages and cake!  We had a wonderful time.  I was blown away with all the attention!!!

Visit from the Calls


May 2012
Justin, Jenny, Amelia, Phillip and Everett Call came to visit us.  They flew into San Jose, rented a van and stayed with us for three days.  It was great fun to get acquainted with the kids and catch up on family news. Then they were off to a week's fun in Disneyland before they flew home!  Little Everett celebrated his 1st birthday a few days after they left.